The birth city of Christopher Columbus is in the region of Liguria, with the Appenine Mountains as a backdrop. Genoa is the largest port in Italy, founded during the 3rd century. The horse shoe...
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The birth city of Christopher Columbus is in the region of Liguria, with the Appenine Mountains as a backdrop. Genoa is the largest port in Italy, founded during the 3rd century. The horse shoe shaped port is enormous. However, Genoa also has beautiful buildings. Don’t forget to walk among the baroque and renaissance palaces on Via Garibaldi! These are located in Genoa’s ”old town”, which is listed as a world heritage. During the latter Middle Ages and the renaissance the city-state of Genoa was one of the foremost states of trade in Europe. Genoa has around ten gay bars, a handful of discos and plenty of cruising areas.
Area:234 square kilometres
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