Art Exhibitions and Pride Shopping at Pride House

Bitter not Sweet
Hannes Enocksson, known as Bitter not sweet on social media, is exhibiting his art at Pride House. Hannes also exhibited last year at Pride House and has spent the past year working as a full-time artist for the first time in his life. He now showcases artworks with themes of queerness and trans identity, hoping to inspire thoughts, feelings, and discussions in others, and hopefully sell some pieces so he can continue his dream of working with art.

Yonas van den Hoogen
In my works, we find an expression of melancholy and liberation in unguarded moments stemming from the mid-20th century with a clear flirtation with the LGBTQ world. Since I fell in love with charcoal and dry/oil pastel, it has been an obsession to bring out the abstract and figurative in my works. With dry pastel and charcoal, I create an immediate expression. A great inspiration and driving force is to retell a history that has been.

Gunilla Goldman
Creativity has been a red thread throughout my life. Occasionally it has had to wait, only to wake up again. PAINTING is what has taken place so far, allowing images to form according to their own energy. I want to show how life is full of shapes, colors, play, and seriousness. Sensuality and femininity. Letting the woman take place in the queer room.

Hanna Eliasson
Hanna Eliasson has been involved in various forms of creativity for much of her life. She has taken several art courses and training programs. In recent years, she has devoted more time to it and has had various exhibitions. She mainly engages in mixed media and collage. The style is often naive and the paintings colorful. Nature and inner friction are some sources of inspiration. There is a tremendous power in creation. Hanna came out as bisexual quite late. With her art at Pride, she wants to strengthen, uplift, and encourage. Instagram: hannajenny_art

Christoph Abé
Christoph holds a PhD in physics and researched the structures and dynamics of biological macromolecules. He then conducted academic research in neuroscience at UC San Francisco and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, where he has lived since 2013. He has also worked as a project manager at Quantify Research, a Stockholm-based health economics and outcomes research consulting firm. Christoph is a hobby artist creating visual art and music. He is part of an artist group (IlluminNoir) consisting of three Stockholm-based visual artists. He has had various art exhibitions over the past few years. His works have been exhibited at Scaling Ambience, IllumiNoir, Fotografiska Studio Live (Stockholm), and House of Avinyo (Barcelona).

Stefanie Almqvist
Stefanie Almqvist, born 1997, grew up in Stockholm but is now also active in Umeå, where she studies at Umeå Art Academy. Stefanie is active on TikTok under the name @octopuzzyart, where she shares her creative process and art, as well as thoughts and experiences about mental health. She experiments with many different forms of expression such as sculpture, performance, and video, but her artistic practice mainly revolves around painting. Hyper-femininity, nostalgia, and myths/fairytales are some of the themes she explores in her art. Her love of maximalism permeates her works in terms of color, size, and choice of motifs. She creates imaginative and colorful paintings where the motifs often come from her childhood in the early 2000s. The mermaid is a recurring motif, a female being celebrated for her beauty in stories and folklore but at the same time life-threatening. She wants to take place in a largely male-dominated art world, and what better way to do it than with giant neon pink mermaids?

Nilla Wikberg
Almost every day when I come home from work, I sit in my studio. In my creation, I am drawn to trying different materials and techniques. I am self-taught and experiment my way forward. I primarily shift between carving, creating with wire, and making linocuts. I draw inspiration for the motifs and figures from my daily life, where the equal value of all people is central both at work and in my free time. My art can be seen on my website:

ÁREG was born and raised in Iceland but has lived in Sweden for the past 10 years. ÁREG mainly creates analog collage images, with materials consisting of old books and magazines found at flea markets and second-hand shops. All her works are created by hand with a scalpel, scissors, glue, and paper – no works are edited or altered digitally.

Birgit Linderoth
Birgit Linderoth is an artist and midwife. Life, art, and work are deeply interconnected. She began the Vagina Art Collection project in 1978 during a folk high school course in women's history and feminism. Later renamed Vulva Art and sometimes Fittkonst.

"Imagining Queer Aging Futures"
How do LGBTQ+ people imagine their aging? What dreams and hopes do you have for a future as an older person? What are you afraid of, what worries you? What do you want to take with you into the future as you age? What do you want to leave behind? In the research project "Imagining Queer Aging Futures," people aged 50 to 84 have created their visions on the theme of aging futures. This exhibition at Pride House shows parts of the art and creations made so far. The project is led by researcher Linn Sandberg, Södertörn University, in collaboration with artist Sam Hultin.

Alex Colard is a well-known artist and philanthropist. He was born in France and lived in New York for 11 years before settling in Stockholm. Since 2017, Alex has had 41 exhibitions and authored three books (Instagram: @best.artists.worldwide) housed at the Royal Library. He founded, an event that takes place every two years with over 90 exhibiting artists, painters, sculptors, photographers, fashion designers, dancers, and singers. Alex is committed to giving back and donates to UNICEF, WWF, and the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, showing his dedication to using art for positive change.

Elli Asker
Elli Asker, a masterful artist, has made her mark in several private collections both in Sweden and abroad. In her work, Asker explores the relationship between experiences of healing after depression, as well as queer and immigrant identities. Without hindrance in her creative research, she experiments with art photography, collage, and various other techniques. She finds inspiration among artists such as Picasso, Giorgio Morandi, and many others. She is also inspired by the world of film and directors like Tarkovsky and Bergman. Her talent has gained international attention, including a prestigious award at the Sony World Photography Awards Alpha Female Award 2023 for her series "Cubist Still Life" and a bronze position in the Budapest International Photography Awards the same year. Additionally, Asker won the Prix De La Photographie - State of the World in Paris, France, 2022, for her impactful documentary series "Ukrainian Refugees." She also took second place at the International Photography Awards (IPA) in the USA 2022 and received a Silver Prize at the Tokyo International Photography Awards the same year for other creations in art photography.

Olof Näslund
My name is Olof Näslund, and I have been painting on and off for many years. I have a few exhibitions during Pride in Stockholm. I mostly paint meetings and farewells between men, sometimes 2, sometimes 3, or solitary men in thought. It will be fun to showcase my pictures at Pride House as I have not done it before.

Ulrika Björkman Markkula
Ulrika Björkman Markkula is a trained object conservator. When she works artistically, she also always starts from objects. For five years, she was represented in the Nordic Museum's exhibition on contemporary folk art with the installation "An Impression of Women's Work," where she highlighted 7,000 crocheted doilies that would probably have ended up at recycling centers if she had not collected them and given them a new expression. The installation was meant to question whether the crocheted doily is wasted women's labor or an expression of creativity. She has been represented at Virserum Art Gallery in the exhibition "Best in Sweden" with her collages of embroidery. Ulrika was represented here as Gotland's contribution, selected by Sweden's soft craft consultants. She has also won the Swedish Form's first prize in the design and construction competition "Lasting Light," a project highlighting LED lamps from an energy-saving and creative perspective. The contribution of the lamp "New Shades of Wood" was considered by the jury to have a strong ability to convey warmth and atmosphere. For me, the Madonnas represent protection and selfless goodness. When they stand together in the different colors of the Pride flag, symbolizing; Red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sun, green for nature, blue for art, and violet for spirit, they can speak individually. They also gain significance by standing together. The Madonnas are 3D printed and dressed in several layers of glitter and a layer of clear lacquer. The original sculpture is a small wooden Madonna. Once upon a time, my grandmother's mother Alicia placed a small wooden Madonna in my grandmother's suitcase when my grandmother, at age 11, traveled alone from a bombed-out Vienna to Sweden for an indefinite time. The Madonna hung over my grandmother's bed throughout her life. I inherited the Madonna and have enlarged it as I wish to start from the Madonna in my own way.

Kjell Grönlund
Who is Kjell Grönlund and what does he do? I have been looking for furniture and other woodworking with a Pride theme, the six colors, but found nothing at all, so I thought I might as well take it on myself. Some technical manufacturing problems are now solved, so now I want to show what I can do. I have some show pieces, nothing for sale, which I and anyone interested can discuss, and possibly I can get the opportunity to make exactly what is desired. I have many years of experience in woodworking, and it would be great fun to do more advanced things with a Pride theme. Come and see different woodworking!

Shopping and Info Tables at Pride House
EMMA Kreation's handmade earrings. Ben och Sten, ethically produced bone jewelry. Transammans. Rainbow Scouts. The Left Party. Happy Pride - rainbow items. Transbutiken. Rainbow Refugees.