Monday-Friday, July 29 - August 2, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Feel free to visit the church room in Vantör's Church for a moment of stillness, personal prayer, or candle lighting.

Premiere Monday, July 29, 12:00 PM on Vantör Parish's website, YouTube, Facebook. In Swedish

Are we all "God in drag" as the famous drag artist RuPaul says? Drag queens certainly provoke emotions. But while some are provoked, many more are inspired. How did a queer subculture become a global phenomenon? Is drag just really good entertainment, or does it go much deeper than that?

Vantör Parish invited drag artists Adam Risberg (Admira) and Carlos Romero Cruz (Carnita Molida) to a conversation with priest Are Norrhava about existential perspectives on drag culture.

The conversation is recorded in Vantör Church's chapel.

Tuesday, July 30, 2:00 PM in the church hall of Vantör's Church. On display until Sunday, August 4.

Art exhibition with an opening reception on the Pride theme "Stronger Together" by participants at the daily activity center Studio 5 in Högdalen.

"Having the opportunity to exhibit in Vantör's Church during Pride Week is an honor for all of us at Studio 5! For our organization, it is important to highlight how crucial it is that all people have the same value, rights, and opportunities, regardless of our differences. Together we are stronger!"

The exhibition can be seen until Sunday, August 4, during church opening hours. (The church is open weekdays 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM and Sunday at 11:00 AM)

Tuesday-Thursday, July 30 - August 1, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM at Högdalsplan 16

During Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, our summer café continues in rainbow colors - a Pride Café! - outside Vantör's Church in Högdalen. All refreshments are free!

Wednesday, July 31, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM in Vantör Hall in Vantör's Church.

Create t-shirt prints with Pride motifs or paint freely on a t-shirt! We have paint and ready-made stencils, and t-shirts in all sizes. We provide all craft materials.

Sunday, August 4, 11:00 AM in Vantör's Church

A regular mass but with an LGBTQ theme with priest Joakim Friberg. Dancer and choreographer Charlotta Öfverholm will perform a dance to the music of Dvořák. Göran Rullander on piano.