Seminarier på World Pride House i Malmö

08:30 - 09:30 “Vi förväntas inte ha en sexualitet”- unik kartläggning kring sexuell hälsa hos personer med funktionsnedsättning, rum L7
"Presentation av en ny unik kartläggning om den sexuella hälsan för personer med funktionsnedsättning och kroniska sjukdomar. Funktionsrätt Sverige och RFSU har genomfört två enkätstudier med över tvåtusen svaranden och samlat in personliga erfarenheter genom bl a intervjuer. Undersökningen är den första större kvantitativa mätningen av sexuell och reproduktiv rättigheter bland målgrupperna. Enkätresultaten visar brådskande resultat rörande våldsutsatthet, sexuell ohälsa och föräldraskap etc. Under seminariet delar vi resultaten och talar om steget vidare i arbetet för att förbättra den sexuella hälsan hos målgrupperna.
Arbetet är en del i det treåriga projektet Min sexualitet - min rätt som finansieras av Arvsfonden.
På svenska

09:00 - 11:30 Skåne Startups Women in Entrepreneurship. Living Room
Women in Entrepreneurship (WiE) is Skåne-based women entrepreneurs’ community. The initiative aims to advance diversity and inclusion in the broader ecosystem in Skåne, as well as in Sweden.
In English

10:00 - 11:00 Sex och robotar. Rum L4 & L5
"RFSU Malmö bjuder in till en föreläsning med sexologen Suzann Larsdotter där hon djupdyker i sex, relationer och robotar! Hur påverkar den senaste tekniska utvecklingen samhällets syn på sexualitet? Och hur passar sexrobotar in i allt detta? Suzann Larsdotter försöker hitta svar på dessa frågor!
På svenska

10:00 - 11:00 What does today's trans youth want? Room L7
The last couple of years a debate regarding trans peoples rights has spread as wild fire through several countries. The main focus is on trans youth and the right to access gender affirming health care. RFSL Ungdom puts the needs and experiences of trans youth in focus.
In English

11:30 - 12:30 Blodgivnignsreglerna 2021 - vad hände? Rum L7
RFSL och Regnbågsblod bjuder in till panelsamtal om aktuella blodgivningsregler för män som har sex med män!
Den första maj infördes nya regler för blodgivning, vilka påverkar män som har sex med män (msm) som vill bidra genom att ge blod. De nya reglerna var inte vad RFSL och Regnbågsblod hade hoppats på, trots signaler på en förkortning av den orimligt långa karenstiden för män som har sex med män. Vad blev egentligen resultatet av Socialstyrelsens utredning? Varför är vi inte nöjda med resultatet? Vad innebär reglerna i praktiken för msm som vill lämna blod? Vad krävs för att Sverige, liksom en del andra länder redan gjort, ska kunna införa blodgivningsregler som skulle innebära större tillgång på blod?
På svenska.

11:30 - 12:30 Impact Investing - Bringing LGBT+ Inclusion to the Stock Market. Room L3
"Investors are gradually becoming aware of an emerging class of investment opportunities: LGBT-friendly investments. The equity performance of companies with LGBT-friendly policies can be successfully tracked via index or index-related products and show a demonstrably higher return on investment compared to the average index. In addition, participation in LGBT-friendly funds can be leveraged as positive branding in your marketing of other goods and services, provide access to LGBT-markets and contribute to creating a more inclusive corporate climate. LGBT-Friendly investment funds can also have a role in improving overall attitudes toward LGBT people in society and support the development of the next generation of entrepreneurs.
OutPerform addresses the global trend of increased acceptance and proliferation of LGBT-friendly policies in corporations across all sectors and presents a way that leverages Nasdaq to serve current and new market participants by introducing a product that will grant direct exposure to the LGBT market segment.
In English

14:00 - 14:30 What do employers and employees do to increase knowledge and strengthen commitment to ensuring inclusive workplaces? Room L7 and Digital
"We have a bad environment at our workplace with harsh language – how can we change it? How can we promote rights issues in the workday? How are we to achieve a working life where acceptance, inclusion and openness not only characterise the work environment but also constitute hygiene factors for all workplaces?
Peo Grimheden, Branch Negotiation Officer Unionen
Magnus Höij director of the Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies
Aleksa Lundberg as facilitator
Swedish with English subtitles

14:30 - 15:30 Where is the B in LGBTQI communities? Rom L4 & L5
Panel talk about the (in)visibility of bisexuality within the LGBTQI communities. Panelists shared their personal and professional perspectives on bisexuality and bierasure within in the community and beyond—discussing common stereotypes that bisexuals face, how to promote an inclusive environment, the importance of allyship for the bisexual community and how our understanding of bisexuality has changed over time, and what are the practical implications of this today? Participants: Frank Berglund youth policy expert, Suzann Larsdotter sexologist, Noah Bohm president RFSL Malmö. Moderator Žana Dončić RFSL Rådgivningen Skåne
På svenska

14:45 - 15:30 Discrimination and victimisation of LGBT+ persons in the workplace. What are your rights? Room L7 and Digital
"What is discriminatory behaviour and what safety net exists? How are LGBT+ persons discriminated against in the workplace and what can I do if this happens to me? How many times do I have to stand down from being appointed to a certain position on the basis that I do not conform to norms in the workplace? Is it enough that I feel excluded in different contexts or how serious must the exclusion be before I can raise the issue? Could a power imbalance be a contributing factor to the emergence of discrimination and how do we view it from an intersectional perspective?
Participant: Bahhar Mohammadi and Amira Alajbegovic, regional negotiators at Unionen.
In Swedish with English subtitles

15:00 - 17:00 Queer familjebildning i Sverige. Rum L4 & L5
"RFSU Malmö bjuder in till ett panelsamtal om queer familjebildning. I panelsamtalet diskuterar vi de juridiska processer och hinder som präglar den queera familjens formation, allt från adoption till flersamhet. Samtidigt blickar vi framåt och ställer frågan: hur behöver framtiden se ut?
På svenska

16:00 - 17:00 Sexual harassment of LGBT+ persons in the workplace. What are your rights? Room L7 and Digital
Is it acceptable to leave a room with a bad feeling? An unwelcome gesture from a customer, colleague or manager? A sexist comment that you are only lesbian because you haven’t found the “right” man yet? Should I not take part in the friendly padel match at work in order to avoid uncomfortable situations in the locker room? Are the experiences of LGBT+ persons different from those who express heteronormativity? To whom do I turn? But, above all, where do I draw the line and how passive should I be when I see someone being harassed? We employ an intersectional perspective on harassment in order to determine the governing structures and how the power imbalance influences our views on sexual harassment.
Participant: Lina Andersson, Policy officer of Gender and Diversity at Unionen.
In Swedish with English subtitles

16:30 - 17:30 The Value of Corporate Inclusion - and how does Scandinavia stand in comparison. Room L4 & L5
There are many ways to show the economic benefits of LGBT inclusion in large corporations. Too often the issue tends to stay in the HR department, but given the various aspects of LGBT+ economics, inclusion can add value in many areas, such as sales, talent, innovation and supply chain development. Does your corporation have LGBT+ inclusion as strategic part of your business plan? And how does Scandinavian corporations actually compare with their US and British competitors?
In English

17:00 - 17:45 Att bygga en inkluderande arbetskultur – utmaningar och framgångsfaktorer. Rum L7
"Vi vet sedan länge att arbetsplatser som präglas av mångfald och inkludering är mer kreativa, innovativa och produktiva, vilket i förlängningen har en mycket positiv påverkan på lönsamheten. Men hur bygger vi en inkluderande arbetskultur? Lyssna på när representanter från IKEA, BoKlok, Malmö Symfoniorkester och Skanska har en öppen och ärlig diskussion om inkludering i arbetslivet. Panelsamtalet modereras av Atilla Yoldas, en prisad och uppmärksammas journalist, aktivist och författare.
Gabriella Fredriksson, Diversity and inclusion lead på IKEA
Henrik Davidsson, EVP product and supply chain på BoKlok
Björn Lovén, Orkesterchef på Malmö Symfoniorkester
Amanda Glave, Projektdirektör på Skanska
Atilla Yoldas, Moderator
På svenska

17:15 - 18:00 What does the labor market look like? Room L7 and Digital
What does inclusion in the labor market look like today? Is there discrimination against LGBTQI people? We get an overview of the research that exists on LGBTQI people in the labor market. Is the labor market really open to everyone?
Participant: Mats Hammarstedt professor of economics and Aleksa Lundberg as facilitator.
In Swedish with English subtitles