PRIDE PARK Avajaispäivä

On stage: Opening and Go Country Pride with - Robin Winther, Emma Svensson, Alexzandra Wickman, Anna Bergendahl, Scott Scovill, Erika Jonsson, Robin Bengtsson, Tennessee Tears, Secret country legend.

Tervetuloa QX:n telttaan: QX Shopin, josta löydät kaiken mitä tarvitset juhlistaaksesi Pridea, myös QX Lounge

Tapahtumia koko päivän, oma alue nuorille, vanhemmille vierailijoille, ravintoloita ja infotelttoja.

Several events all around the park all day. Special area for the kids, for literature, for Golden age, restaurants and information tents.

In Pride Park as well:
the Kinky Quarters: a new, separated, area with BDSM, fetishism, and other sub-cultures that common people call kinky. It will be a meeting place for the already initiated, and for the curious, to talk, shop, and get to know more about everything associated with kinkster life.

PRIDE YOUTH: This year everyone in Pride Park between the ages 13 and 29 years gets their own place to hang out in. Pride Young, a collaboration between Egalia, IRIS and RFSL Youth, has existed for 10 years. But this year is the first where youths have their own areas in both Pride House and Pride Park.