Award winning, actor, artist and playwriter Taylor Mac is back with the new show “The Young Ladies of…” that recently had an acclaimed premiere in New York. Taylor Mac has worked in The San Francisco Opera House, a moldy cave in Scotland and has been on stage with Broadway legende Tommy Tune and punk icon Nina Hagen. He charms the audience and the critics and has, for the second year running, been appointed ”The Best of New York” by The Village Voice. With the show ”The Be(a)st of Taylor Mac” he had a double success on Södra Teatern and a celebrated tour in Sweden.
Now we're giving you a ne chance to again ”fall in love with Taylor”! Soldier Robert Bowyer, Taylor Macs father, was stationend in Vietnam in 1968 when he placed an ad in an Australian newpaper. He asked young women between the ages of 19 and 26 to write him letters. He received hundreds. These letters formed the basis for a unique performance about patriarchy, war, love and fatherhood. Soldier Bowyer's time in the 60s Vietnam is side by side with Taylor Mac's own experiences as a gender bender artist in present day New York. Letters, original texts and songs form the glue between what ww consider masculine and feminine, comedy and tragedy, past time and present time, red and blue...
In English.