Metropolitan Gothenburg, Sweden | QX QueerMap

Metropolitan Gothenburg

This region includes, apart from Gothenburg, the municipalities of Kungälv, Stenungsund, Tjörn, Öckerö, Mölndal, Partille, Härryda, Lerum, Ale, Alingsås, Lilla Edet and Kungsbacka. Here you will...

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Bee Bar

BEE KÖK & BAR - the natural meetingplace for the gaypeople in Gothenburg.Lun

Club Queer

Mixed popular gayclub one Friday of the month at Park Lane.Different themes, che

Bee Bar

BEE KÖK & BAR - the natural meetingplace for the gaypeople in Gothenburg.Lun

Club Queer

Mixed popular gayclub one Friday of the month at Park Lane.Different themes, che


City of Gothenburgs Rainbow house.Check their homepage for info on activites

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3.216 Qruiser members in Metropolitan Gothenburg

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