Los Angeles is one of the cities in Los Angeles County, consisting of in total 73 cities and towns. Los Angeles County has around 10 million inhabitants, which makes it the the miggest metropolitan...
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Los Angeles is one of the cities in Los Angeles County, consisting of in total 73 cities and towns. Los Angeles County has around 10 million inhabitants, which makes it the the miggest metropolitan area in USA. The city of Los Angeles is the biggest city in the state of California and was founded in 1781 by Spanish governor Filipe de Neves. The Spanish name was then El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula. In 1821 the city became Mexican but after the Mexican-American war the city belonged to the USA from 1850.
It's in Los Angeles ´that you will find the Kodak Center, the Hollywood Sign, the Walt Disney Concert Hall, as well as Grauman’s Chinese Theatre where Hollywood stars have made foot and hand prints on the sidewalk outside. It's easiest to get around by car, but it also works well to travel by bus.
Los Angeles is a city everybody has to visit at least once in their lifetime.
Area:1290 square kilometres